Monday 21 November 2016

The Doctrine of the Trinity

This is a very complicated topic, I admit, however in my reading of Henry Morris's book "The Biblical Basis for Modern Science" he touches on this subject, and for me it is an awesome experience to read what he has to share about it. I will share an excerpt that I hope will teach as well as grow a hunger in you for The Word, and maybe even a desire to read this great book in its entirety as well.

Excerpt from the book:

How, then, can God be a Trinity? To understand this, one must remember that this doctrine does not mean three gods. "Three gods" is as impossible and false a concept as any other form of polytheism. There can be only one God, and He is the great First Cause, the author of all reality.

But if God exists only in His ineffable unity, He could never be truly known. He is fundamentally the eternal, omnipresent, transcendent God, the great First Cause, the source of all being. Being present everywhere, however, He could never be seen or heard or sensed anywhere. Yet since He could not be frivolous in His creation, He must have a purpose therein and that purpose must be communicable. He must therefore somehow be seen and heard. He must be a God who is both infinite and yet finite, who is omnipresent and eternal and still comprehensible locally and temporally. He must paradoxically be both source and manifestation, both Father and Son.

Not only must the invisible and inaudible God be seen and heard objectively, however, He must also be experienced and understood subjectively. The life of the creation must be maintained in vital union with that of the Creator. The Spirit of God must move over the creation and must indwell it and empower it. The activity of the Spirit is distinct from that of the Son and from that of the Father, and yet is indissolubly one with both.

God, therefore, is one God, and yet He must be Father, Son, and Spirit. God is Father in generation (*causing everything) Son in declaration (*spoken Word made visible) Spirit in appropriation (*in us and through us and to us). The Son is the only begotten of the Father, and the Spirit is eternally the bestower of both the Father and the Son.  
The Biblical Basis for Modern Science Copyright 1984 by Henry Morris, fifth printing 1987; page 58

* I added further clarification, I hope, in italics and parentheses where I placed the asterisks.


  1. Hi Susan, the trinity really are three persons who together equal one God.
    In the Bible is no such thing as a trinity, that doctrine is an Catholic antichrist doctrine which is against the Lord Jesus Christ.
    In the Bible is only one God and that is the Lord Jesus Christ and apart from Him is no other God.

  2. I have always found the concept of a "Triune" God to be a bit short-sighted and discounts the creation as something separate from God the Creator as opposed to an integral part of Him.
    Trinity? Try, "Infinity"...

    1. Although God sustains all things I do not agree that He is IN all things (pantheism). Thank you for sharing your thoughts, sorry I didn’t see them sooner 🙂

  3. Yes Susan, God is one person Jesus Christ.
    He holds the title Father, Son and Holy Spirit and beside Him is no other.

    1. “He holds the title” ... I think it goes much deeper and beyond what we can understand. Do not place the Lord in a small box to fit small human understanding, my friend 🙂

  4. Why do you have a comment section if you do not post the comments?
    Or do you only post comments who agree with you and give you compliments ?

  5. Hi Susan, This doctrine is NOT true.
    There is only ONE God and that God is the Lord Jesus Christ.
    He is the first and the last and beside Him is NO other God.

    There never was and there never will be !
    Jesus Christ is the ONLY God our saviour (James 1:25).

  6. A wise man once said:
    “ in fact the Athanasian paradox that one is three, and three but one is so incomprehensible to the human mind that no candid man can say he has any idea of it, and how can he believe what presents no idea. he who thinks he does , Start insertion, only, End, deceives himself. he proves also that man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck.

    Thomas Jefferson to James Smith 8 Dez. 1822.
