Wednesday 9 April 2014

Gifts of the Spirit Part 3

In Gifts of the Spirit Part 2 I posted a video clip that covered a portion of the Strange Fire conference. In that clip they mention Andrew Strom and the fact that he noticed that the people that experience "holy laughter" and etc, exhibit the same physical manifestations as those from Hindu Kundalini  ecstatic experiences. Andrew Strom admits he is "charismatic" but rightly says the gifts of the holy Spirit of God are quite the opposite of what is going on here. He mentions that some of these "leaders" have said that they have contact with "angels" but then in their descriptions of these beings they have none of the characteristics of Biblical angels which strike terror and conviction in the hearts of those who see them in the Bible passages. Mr. Strom rightly says that discernment is lacking in the church today, and many are falling prey to these demonic spirits.

Mr. Strom says that we are not to go to the opposite extreme and reject all the miraculous as demonic because there are true gifts of the Spirit. We are to seek the Lord truly in His word and guard our hearts and be sober minded. We are to cast our burdens on Jesus, pray for deliverance from all evil, have a contrite heart before Him to protect us and deliver us from the foolishness and evil that is pouring out in these latter days.

Here is Mr. Strom's clip of the false Kundalini Spirit masquerading as the Holy Spirit...I don't call what these gatherings are "church". They are not churches. I don't know what they are, but they are not church.

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