Thursday 20 March 2014

Shaking the Dust Off...

What does that mean, exactly?

I seem to remember that I have posted on this topic once before...however it was a long time ago, and it bears thinking about again.

(interesting blog post as well)

When Jesus sent out the 12 to teach and preach and heal, He cautioned them to go only where they would be accepted, and to shake the dust off when their words were rejected. (Matthew ch 10; Mark ch 6; Luke chs 9 & 10; Acts 13:51)

However, does that mean to kick sand in their eyes? No. I believe that it just means to shake it off, don't carry the "stuff", the grunge, the hurts or angers or frustrations or what-have-you, from going through the dusty dirty interactions this world brings you, just shake it off, do not let it cling to you, and move on.

I have trouble with moving on.

I so can relate to the Israelites going over a small segment of land before the Jordan River, going over and over and over it, for forty years! Yes Lord! I can see that I do that! Why do I do that? Why can't I just shake the dust off and move on? Stubbornness, that's what it is, sheer stubbornness and stiffneckedness. Sigh.

Lord, AGAIN, I come before you (daily) with all the things I do which cause you to shake your head. I know I fall very short of your glory, and humbly come before you for the help to shake the dust off, not carry the memory of
murmurings and strife,
and let it go at the foot of the cross,

shake it out of my shoes,

like pebbles in my shoes
which only cause me to continually stumble
and cry out in agony
and frustration

instead of praise and thanksgiving.

Thank You for Your longsuffering on our (my) behalf, and for continually reminding me to look up, when I get cast down.

In Jesus Holy Name,

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