Saturday 9 March 2013

Saved by Grace: Voddie Baucham from G3 conference - Doctrine Matters!

 This just may be the BEST presentation that I have EVER heard of THE GOSPEL. I also put it on my Facebook page. Awesome, awesome, powerful, Holy Spirit filled. I love when he says this is not something that you can teach without the Bible, and that it would be like "setting aside a sword and going to a chalkboard to reasonably explain why and how a sword can cut you". No, we cannot set the Bible to the side so we can "win a few more", it is the power unto salvation, our double edged sword that cuts to the marrow. I hope anyone who happens to wander in gets to hear the power of God's word so powerfully presented! Amen! and again I say AMEN!!!!

Saved by Grace: Voddie Baucham from G3 conference - Doctrine Matters!

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Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

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