Sunday 4 December 2011

Escape out of Hinduism

I followed some links from a LUF entry "Christian Yoga? Apostasy Disguised" and from there found the link to Lamb and Lion Ministries videos to watch the videos by  Caryl Matrisciana and her thoughts on Hinduism, her testimony of how the Lord brought her out of it, and her thoughts on "Christian Yoga". I'm so glad Jred brought this up because I didn't really think it was as deadly as I now realize it is...just as I am also somewhat lax about the witchcraft in Harry Potter and fantasy type films and books. They do not have power over us, they are just imaginative "stories" and fables, and if we are in Christ, that is all they remain, nothing harmful, right?

Well, there is a bit more to it than that, and of course, YES, Jesus protects us from all kinds of harm and nonsense... but the devil is very clever, and he knows how to disable us from being effective (at very least) if not completely taking over... he is not so benign as I (and many people) tend to want to think. When we think he is powerless is when he actually has the most power.

Anyway, when you have time, listen to what Caryl has to say, she has a powerful testimony, and makes sense out of why and how Eastern mysticism is as harmful as it is.

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